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[Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linux)

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude zyge » 27 Avr 2021, 00:06

Hi, thanks for the step. I think I may fix it, But can you help to check it. Thanks

But after step 2, the Calculator reboot. Then I can go into the system, but OS is, Boot 1 is, Boot 2 is

Is this right?

What I should do next? I send the new ndless_resources to Calculator. Should I enter the "ndless_installer_4.5.3-4.5.4" file?

Also, If possible can I delete the extra two CTRLX in DIAG? How can I do it?

Thanks a lot!
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude critor » 27 Avr 2021, 00:17

zyge a écrit:But after step 2, the Calculator reboot. Then I can go into the system, but OS is, Boot 1 is, Boot 2 is

This looks right.

zyge a écrit:What I should do next? I send the new ndless_resources to Calculator. Should I enter the "ndless_installer_4.5.3-4.5.4" file?

The latest ndless_resources file should be enough.

zyge a écrit:Also, If possible can I delete the extra two CTRLX in DIAG? How can I do it?

This isn't easy, by anyway you aren't wasting usable space with the unused CtrlX copies.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude eriks » 24 Avr 2022, 19:47

critor a écrit:ControlX 5.0.0 is out :

What's new since the last public release :
  • full support of OS 4.5.1
  • partial support of Boot2
  • full support of Boot2 (code taken from parrotgeeks1's nLoader)
  • removed support for OSes, and (just edit the makefile and rebuild if you need them)

So ControlX can now fully work with both Boot2 and

Note Boot2 support is better because :
  • the OS patcher injected in the Boot2 is not limited to 1776K anymore, 1808K is still ok
  • the OS patcher even works for the first installation-boot of the OS, so no need to press reset anymore

But since everybody still has Boot2 4.0.3, for compatibility reasons I'm still building OS patchers of less than 1776K, and thus did comment OS 3.0.1-3.0.2 support.

Is ControlX 5.0.0 the last to support CX CAS OS 3.3.0? If so, may I request the 5.0.0 archive?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude imurx » 28 Avr 2022, 06:24

I been trying to save to make it go to CAS mode but each time I do ctrl+085 and press 0, the bootd goes to boot2 and a old white and black tinspire logo appears.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude N1cr0x » 05 Avr 2023, 11:00

Hello, does anyone have the cas patcher for the version 4.5.0, I’ve been looking for that file for months, I’ve even contacted the creator and nothing, he deleted the thread where to download the file and stated an apology in his website, the file name is cas_patch_4.5.0.1180.tns I’d be grateful for someone to send me a link to that file, thanks
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 05 Avr 2023, 15:11

There's a reason why this file is not available, you know...
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude eriks » 05 Avr 2023, 16:05

Why is it not available?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude critor » 09 Avr 2023, 09:15

N1cr0x a écrit:Hello, does anyone have the cas patcher for the version 4.5.0, I’ve been looking for that file for months, I’ve even contacted the creator and nothing, he deleted the thread where to download the file and stated an apology in his website, the file name is cas_patch_4.5.0.1180.tns I’d be grateful for someone to send me a link to that file, thanks

The CAS patchers for OSes 4.4.0 and 4.5.0 were never hosted here but linked externally on github.

The links went broken when both parrotgeek1 and heimdall / deadmeatpt took the decision of cleaning their github repositories. We weren't informed in advance. So the part about this then consisting only of broken links was removed from our how-to afterwards.

Unfortunately, these repositories weren't backed up by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

I can't find a local backup copy of the 4.4.0 CAS patcher here. But fortunately, it was reuploaded on cncalc yesterday.
The thread also has a completely new CAS patcher for OS 4.5.3.

@N1cr0x Is the CAS patcher for OS 4.5.3 going to be ok for you ? Or do you specifically need the CAS patcher for OS 4.5.0 ?

For 4.5.0, you could try installing nLoader.
nLoader is much less advanced than nBoot+ControlX in terms of features, but as far as I remember it focuses on CAS and has the CAS patchers builtin.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude nicopro300 » 12 Avr 2023, 06:21

what method should i use for the 4.5.3 version, nboot+controlX or nLoader? because im trying with controlX an it won’t install the os, it keeps deleting the os
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install/Installer nBoot + ControlX (+Linu

Message non lude critor » 12 Avr 2023, 07:57

OS 4.5.3 is supported by nBoot+ControlX.

Which TI-Nspire calculator are you using ?
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