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USB Support on the TI 89

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USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Michael0x18 » 17 Mar 2021, 17:37

At this point, I'm wondering if it's possible to add some functionality similar to Cesium's flash drive support and USB8x for the z80 series to the TI-89. (Titanium, because it has a USB port.)
Specifically, I'm wondering if it's possible to "mount" disks as folders somehow.
Of course, I'd be writing most of it, using BrandonW and Lionel's Linky as a starting point.

Any thoughts?
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude critor » 17 Mar 2021, 18:22

Linky is a TI-89 Titanium version of usb8x :
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 18 Mar 2021, 19:18

Indeed, you had already found the starting point you need to use: Linky. All I did in Linky was fill in the keyboard detection and mapping code, as well as make it easier to switch between HID keyboard and HID mouse modes.
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Michael0x18 » 18 Mar 2021, 19:48

Yeah. Tari was nice enough to mirror BrandonW's repo on github (instead of SVN.)
If you recall, I asked you for the binaries a while back because I wanted to see what it did, but now that's unnecessary because I managed to build GCC4TI (I can't seem to find the KDE3 stuff, so I can't use KTIGCC, though. They're not available from apt.)
I already started looking at the specs for FAT32, and it's a mess. There are a boatload of different versions, from different operating systems. And there's the fact that most consumer flash memory is hideous and just the cheapest possible thing.
(Hamming codes, multi-bit cells, and the like)
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 20 Mar 2021, 13:30

Yes, making a good implementation of FAT12/16/32 is hard. I suppose you could leverage one of the existing ones... once you've found one which has sufficient portability, reliability, etc.

As for KTIGCC: just do what virtually everybody has done in the past decade or so, don't bother with this thing :)
Besides its adherence to an unpopular, heavyweight, poorly portable desktop environment and application framework which breaks API compatibility between minor releases, it suffers from both significant implementation issues - the code's quality is terrible, making it unmaintainable - and the fundamental design issue of trying to reimplement verbatim the... peculiarities... of the Delphi IDE, instead of fixing them.
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Niveau 14: CI (Calculateur de l'Infini)
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Michael0x18 » 20 Mar 2021, 20:39

After some searching online, I've found a couple possible starting points.
Unfortunately, even after examining the Linky source code for about an hour yesterday, I still don't entirely understand how it works.
One of the criteria for the starting/example implementation is that it has to be released under a GPL-compatible license. (There's something wrong with writing a proprietary program for a graphing calculator, even more so than a normal computer, because they're supposed to be learning tools.)
As for KTIGCC, whatever. I'll stick with my current setup of using tmux.
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 20 Mar 2021, 21:15

Unfortunately, even after examining the Linky source code for about an hour yesterday, I still don't entirely understand how it works.

Neither do I :)
Membre de la TI-Chess Team.
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 23 Mar 2021, 08:30

The USB controller is indeed memory-mapped, in the 7100xx range.
Membre de la TI-Chess Team.
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Niveau 14: CI (Calculateur de l'Infini)
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Re: USB Support on the TI 89

Message non lude Michael0x18 » 27 Mar 2021, 00:17

Well, I'm going to take a break from this project to write an IDE that I can use to make it.
The progress thread is over on Cemetech:https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=292032#292032
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