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is integration with division possible?

Programmation et implémentation d'algorithmes.

is integration with division possible?

Message non lude firedwheelman » 28 Mar 2018, 22:23

I am able to calculate normal integrals but I can not figure out how to calculate integrals with division. Every time I plug in a problem it gives me a syntax error. Here are some examples that I am struggling with:

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Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
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Inscription: 21 Jan 2018, 22:06
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Re: is integration with division possible?

Message non lude Lior.T » 28 Mar 2018, 22:50


Logically, I think that you just have to put integration and in place of the dx in your examples, you put 1 and dx at the end of the line.

Tell me if your problem has been solved.
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Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Prochain niv.: 64.8%
Messages: 8
Inscription: 27 Déc 2017, 12:16
Genre: Homme
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Classe: Université

Re: is integration with division possible?

Message non lude Hisham » 29 Mar 2018, 07:43

firedwheelman a écrit:I am able to calculate normal integrals but I can not figure out how to calculate integrals with division. Every time I plug in a problem it gives me a syntax error. Here are some examples that I am struggling with:


Hey firedwheelman,
why don't you use the specific template (CAS mode) ?
Anyway, as Lior.T said, you cannot put dx as a numerator, please see the image below for the right syntax (taken from my Nspire CAS):


Hisham ;)
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Messages: 139
Inscription: 01 Mar 2017, 20:52
Genre: Non spécifié
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Re: is integration with division possible?

Message non lude firedwheelman » 29 Mar 2018, 09:16

Lior.T a écrit:Hi,

Logically, I think that you just have to put integration and in place of the dx in your examples, you put 1 and dx at the end of the line.

Tell me if your problem has been solved.

trying it your way this is what I get:


does that look right?
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Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
Niveau 6: SM (Super Membre)
Prochain niv.: 82.1%
Messages: 8
Inscription: 21 Jan 2018, 22:06
Genre: Non spécifié
MyCalcs profile

Re: is integration with division possible?

Message non lude Lior.T » 29 Mar 2018, 10:06

firedwheelman a écrit:
Lior.T a écrit:Hi,

Logically, I think that you just have to put integration and in place of the dx in your examples, you put 1 and dx at the end of the line.

Tell me if your problem has been solved.

trying it your way this is what I get:


does that look right?

It is right.

There is just the problem that it gave you a long form that you can maybe try to factorize.

Best regards.
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Niveau 7: EP (Espèce Protégée: geek)
Prochain niv.: 64.8%
Messages: 8
Inscription: 27 Déc 2017, 12:16
Genre: Homme
MyCalcs profile
Classe: Université

Re: is integration with division possible?

Message non lude Hisham » 29 Mar 2018, 10:17

firedwheelman a écrit:
Lior.T a écrit:Hi,

Logically, I think that you just have to put integration and in place of the dx in your examples, you put 1 and dx at the end of the line.

Tell me if your problem has been solved.

trying it your way this is what I get:


does that look right?

Yep, that's the right result ;)

Hisham :)
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Prochain niv.: 10.5%
Messages: 139
Inscription: 01 Mar 2017, 20:52
Genre: Non spécifié
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